rajas tamas chabhibhuya
sattvam bhavati bharata। rajah sattvam tamas chaiva tamah sattvam rajas tatha॥ 14.10 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, Sometimes the mode of goodness becomes prominent, defeating the modes of passion and ignorance. Sometimes the mode of passion defeats goodness and ignorance, and at other times ignorance defeats goodness and passion. In this way there is always competition for supremacy.
sarva-dvaresu dehe ’smin
prakasa upajayate। jnanam yada tada vidyad vivrddham sattvam ity uta॥ 14.11 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, The manifestations of the mode of goodness can be experienced when all the gates of the body are illuminated by knowledge.
lobhah pravrttir arambhah
karmanam asamah sprha। rajasy etani jayante vivrddhe bharatarsabha॥ 14.12 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna,, when there is an increase in the mode of passion the symptoms of great attachment, fruit producing activity, intense endeavor, and uncontrollable desire and hankering develop.
aprakaso ’pravrttis cha
pramado moha eva cha। tamasy etani jayante vivrddhe kuru-nandana॥ 14.13 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, When there is an increase in the mode of ignorance, then darkness, inertia, madness and illusion are manifested.
yada sattve pravrddhe tu
pralayam yati deha-bhrt। tadottama-vidam lokan amalan pratipadyate॥ 14.14 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, When one dies in the mode of goodness, he attains to the pure higher planets of the great sages.