The Christian believes that the Son of God is born in this world as a human being, suffering, dead and crucified. The Christian hope is that God made a new covenant with the whole of humanity through Jesus' death and resurrection. New Testament written in Christendom and a century after his death.
There are 27 unique booklets found in the New Testament. Jesus is the central figure in all these books. All subjects of Christianity accept these changes unchanged. There are four Gospel books that mention the history of Jesus in the New Testament, and the Acts of the Apostles, a book of apostolic work, 21 lessons and a prophetic book. In the 50 CE, the New Testament texts were written in Greek in Greek, which was spoken in Hebrew and Greek cultures. All the Scriptures attached to the Bible It is thought to have been written within 150.
- Gospel of Saint Matthew
- Gospel of Saint Mark
- Gospel of Saint Luke
- Gospel of Saint John
- Acts of the Apostles
- Epistle to the Romans
- First Epistle to the Corinthians
- Second Epistle to the Corinthians
- Epistle to the Galatians
- Epistle to the Ephesians
- Epistle to the Philippians
- Epistle to the Colossians
- First Epistle to the Thessalonians
- Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
- First Epistle to Timothy
- Second Epistle to Timothy
- Epistle to Titus
- Epistle to Philemon
- Epistle to the Hebrews
- Epistle of James
- First Epistle of Peter
- Second Epistle of Peter
- First Epistle of John
- Second Epistle of John
- Third Epistle of John
- Epistle of Jude
- Book of Revelation