gama-vishya cha bhutani
dharayamy aham ojasa। pusnami chausadhih sarvah somo bhutva rasatmakah॥ 15.13 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, And entering the earth, it is I who sustain all beings by My power; & becoming the nectarean moon, I nourish all plants.
aham vaisvanaro bhutva
praninam deham asritah। pranapana-samayuktah pachamy annam chatur-vidham॥ 15.14 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, I am the fire of digestion in the bodies of all living entities, and I join with the air of life, outgoing and incoming, to digest the four kinds of foodstuff.
sarvasya chaham hridi sannivisto
mattah smritir jnanam apohanam cha। vedais cha sarvair aham eva vedyo vedanta-krd veda-vid eva chaham॥ 15.15 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, I am seated in everyone’s heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.
dvav imau purushau loke
ksharas chakshara eva cha। ksharah sarvani bhutani kuta-stho ’kshara ucyate॥ 15.16 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, There are two classes of beings, the fallible and the infallible. In the material world every living entity is fallible, and in the spiritual world every living entity is called infallible.