Goddess Saraswati, The One Who Has A Swan As Her Vehicle
Gender :
Numerology :
8 (17)
Religion :
Dominant Planet :
Planet Association :
Sun + Kethu
Nameology : This number brings sufferings in many different ways. It makes have enjoy all the good and bad habits in the world. They are tireless workers. They have the strength of will to bear with all trials and tribulations in life. Two out of their ten attempts only succeed. The other 8 attempts fail. They have strength enough to defeat the defiant. They are strong persons. The later part of life brings them undiminished fame. They amass a huge wealth of land, gold and money. They achieve great success with their ceaseless strtiving. They have a special place of honour in the heart of people. They get high positions and great appreciation. They are vainglorious too.