dhrtya yaya dharayate
manah-pranendriya-kriyah। yogenavyabhicharinya dhrtih sa partha sattviki॥ 18.33 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, that determination which is unbreakable, which is sustained with steadfastness by yoga practice, and which thus controls the activities of the mind, life and senses is determination in the mode of goodness.
yaya tu dharma-kamarthan
dhrtya dharayate ’rjuna। prasangena phalakanksi dhrtih sa partha rajasi॥ 18.34 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, But that determination by which one holds fast to fruit producing results in religion, economic development and sense gratification is of the nature of passion.
yaya svapnam bhayam sokam
visadam madam eva cha। na vimunchati durmedha dhrtih sa partha tamasi॥ 18.35 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, And that determination which cannot go beyond dreaming, fearfulness, lamentation, moroseness and illusion—such unintelligent determination, is in the mode of darkness.
sukham tv idanim tri-vidham
shrinu me bharatarsabha। abhyasad ramate yatra duhkhantam cha nigacchati॥ 18.36 ॥ |
Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, now please hear from Me about the three kinds of happiness by which the conditioned soul enjoys, and by which he sometimes comes to the end of all distress.