To assist the growth of industries State Aid to Industries Act, 1922 was passed. This led to the establishment of new industries such as : sugar factories, engineering works, tanneries, aluminum factories, cement factories and oil milling so on. This act provided credits to industries, allotted land and water. This proved favourable for industrial progress.)
Similarly, Justice Party Government introduced schemes for rural development to help agrarian population, public health schemes to prevent diseases. To improve village economy village road scheme was introduced. In the city of Madras the Town Improvement Committee of the Madras Corporation introduced Slum Clearance and Housing Schemes. As a social welfare measures the Justice Party Government gave waste lands in village to Depressed Classes. The devadasi system, a disgrace to women, was abolished. The Justice administration reorganized the working of the University of Madras. During the administration of Justice Party, the Andhra University was established in 1926 and Annamalai University in 1929.