Goddess Parvati, Compassionate, The One Who Always Ascends A Wish
Gender :
Numerology :
7 (16)
Religion :
Dominant Planet :
Planet Association :
Sun + Venus
Nameology : There is a certain divinity about the number. They experience different from the ordinary thoughts always running through their minds. They advance very fast only to fall and fail. Even the ordinary person is lifted to the peak but suddenly pushed down to the depths of the valley. It is the story of the millionaire today and a pauper tomorrow. They lodge evil thoughts. Their imagination is deviant. Their writing has evil influence. They are deviants who are likely to cause harm to the society. They face disappointment, anger and a fear of fire. Since the number in itself is malefic, those who have been born on an inauspicious day shall not have their names in this number.